What is your real name? Nick
What is your in game name? L Disguise L
What is your age? 15
How can we contact you? MSN or Skype
Why do you want to be a moderator? Because I played the server before it went down and I loved it. I want to better this awesome community even more. I will try to the best of my abilites as a Moderator.
How much experience do you have in being a moderator? On a few old servers from a few years ago.
Do you have enough time to take any interest in the forums? I love forums a lot, I'm always active on the forums, as well as in-game.
Did you take part in the forums before you sent your application? Yes, I have taken part in the forums before this application has been posted.
Do you have a lot of patience with questions when players need help? Yes, I have a lot of patience with people. The only person who gets me somewhat annoyed is my 10 year old sister.
Have you ever operated as a moderator before? Yes, I have been a moderator before, but I resigned as I quit RSPS's for awhile.